Open Source Attributions
zenshop is built as a commercial product, but it uses many Open Source projects and frameworks.
We are sincerely thankful for the Open Source community, without the help, it would never of been possible to build zenshop.
There are quite a few projects used, so we figured it's easier to see things at a high level, as well as a more detailed look.
zenshop ❤️ Open Source
High Level
- Flutter (opens in a new tab)
- Next.js (opens in a new tab)
- React.js (opens in a new tab)
- Preact.js (opens in a new tab)
- Ruby (opens in a new tab)
- Rails (opens in a new tab)
- GraphQL Ruby (opens in a new tab)
- Shopify Ruby (opens in a new tab)
- PlanetScale (opens in a new tab)
- Ably (opens in a new tab)
- Postmark (opens in a new tab)
- Meilisearch (opens in a new tab)
- Vercel (opens in a new tab)
- Cloudflare (opens in a new tab)
- Redis (opens in a new tab)
- Sidekiq (opens in a new tab)
The Flutter apps use many Open Source projects, thankyou 🦄
- app_links
- badges
- beamer
- cached_network_image
- chart_sparkline
- collection
- connectivity_plus
- cupertino_icons
- cupertino_onboarding
- dio
- email_validator
- file_selector
- firebase_core
- firebase_messaging
- flex_color_picker
- flex_list
- flutter
- flutter_acrylic
- flutter_animate
- flutter_cache_manager
- flutter_flipped_autocomplete
- flutter_hooks
- flutter_html
- flutter_launcher_icons
- flutter_markdown
- flutter_markdown_selectionarea
- flutter_native_badge
- flutter_styled_toast
- get
- graphql_flutter
- hexcolor
- html_unescape
- image
- image_picker
- js
- macos_ui
- markdown
- memory_cache
- modal_bottom_sheet
- provider
- pull_down_button
- queue
- shared_preferences
- timeago
- timelines
- universal_html
- url_launcher
- uuid
- web_socket_channel
- win32_registry
- window_manager
- windows_notification
If you have any questions, please either email or message us directly in Discord (opens in a new tab).